Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Let's Listen, Think and Analyse 18 Versions of Relationship Issues

Let's Listen, Think and Analyse 18 Versions of Relationship Issues

Long time i have been busy and could not strike anything to post. Relationship issues are common now a days. The only reason of progression towards worst nature are two different parties listen the issues, Imperfect analysis and Bias. If the listening party is single, unbiased and professionally competent, then there are high chances that these wonderful relationships can go long. All issues has 18 versions. Nine Versions From each of the Spouse.

Husband Version 1: True Story to the fullest
Husband Version 2 : False added to True Story
Husband Version 3: Attached Past Good or Bad Experience
Husband Version 4: Comparison with an Affair
Husband's Mom Version 5
Husband's Dad Version 6
Husband's Brothers version 7
Husband's Sisters Version 8
Husband's Friends Version 9

Wife Version 1: True Story to the fullest
Wife Version 2 : False added to True Story
Wife Version 3: Attached Past Good or Bad Experience
Wife Version 4: Comparison with an Affair
Wife's Mom Version 5
Wife's Dad Version 6
Wife's Brothers version 7
Wife's Sisters Version 8
Wife's Friends Version 9

The above images are self explanatory and prove the following conclusion of 7 Wonderful Reactions by Husband & WIFE

1. Maturity comes through learning. Lets be mature enough to handle the relationships.
2. if both ONLY husband and Wife Discuss the issues cleverly, many issues can be sorted out. Lets stop taking advice from friends, relatives and affair.
3. NOT GIVING GOOD SEX is punishment for one and revenge for another. Rather lets use this very natural weapon to defeat bad consequences in future. If You are very angry, then, have best possible sex, better than Your Affair..I mean it ...But happens reverse...Please avoid..
4. Share Your expectations with Your Spouse clearly. Be very true and Clear. No False impressions by friends, relatives and an affair.
5. Do not listen to Your DAD, MOM, SISTER, BROTHER or FRIEND....Just Listen to your MIND
6. Super Sex Resolves Everything and Let's Not Repeat MISTAKE
7. Stop Objecting on Addictions as its Genetic Tendency. If you STOP monitoring and forcing to STOP and initiate giving GOOD SEX, has a 30% probability that your she or he will stop but 100 % probability that he or she will reduce the frequency and intensity of it. Please never make an issue of addictions of each other. Resolve it through series of discussions and supersex.

Dr Mangesh Virkar