Saturday, October 30, 2010

Teaching Tendency

Two departments were doing similar activities. One was new to the environment and one was on the path of establishment. New department took help to settle their processes, meanwhile few individuals started hating each other. Plenty of reasons...but ultimate base was HATE!! when we start working in some environment, we start feeling that the environment and equipments should not be utilized by anyone especially OTHER!!, even though for a training also!!This passion for environment gets us in a pond of hatredness...Extreme Possessiveness!! We forget that the similar environment was new for us while starting functioning...while training of self, and while we wanted to learn..Now we are learned..then everything ends? No one other should learn then after? This atypical tendency is an example of illiterate behaviour and immaturity which stains our white collar with Black spots. "To respect those who want to learn" is the first lesson of success, then to respect the teacher and so on..Let us not stop at one module of learning. Let us not be happy like a frog in dirty pond. Let us respect learner. Let us teach what we know, Let us Leran what we want to know...Progress follows Followers of Teaching Tendency...Disease Follows followers of Hatred Tendency..Choice is YOURS!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Terrible Standards

When i want to do something i do it if inhiitions are nil..that doesn't mean i should be drunk for that as this is a state when we feel that opposite person will excuse us due the state. Who is responsible for generating or showcasing this state? Success flows to them who work out the ideas with resistance. We need not to be in a special state to achieve something. We should ensure that the track on which we are travelling goes to right direction. Confirming millions of time is a necessity and we do opposite..we keep it secret...still then we expect people shall help us..If people are unknown ...i suppose we will be disoriented and we would not get any support from community. A bit complicated to achieve the dream..would be easy if we will avoid to create a state to get the target...say openly ..i want to achieve this..see whole energy will be concentrated towards the goal and all who accompany you will fascilitate the achievement and would clap as well...Yup!! take it easy...choose hard work>>expect Helpful...

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Reward gets us to Relative Static Zone

Hi all
When one gets reward, for a while it creates relative static zone in which the person love to stay for a little longer. Wait!! this tendency usually allows other peers to take disadvantage of our black side...When we get reward, people ask us , "Let us know how you got this Award?", we are pitched in that relative static zone where we go back in history and start sharing the efforts and complement our friends. This sharing shall also include , "Now What in Future"...If someone will forget to tag "Now What in Future" while discussing the history, the small opening to the balloon of success closes down. we never understand this because there is very small difference in relativity and creativity. We start giving reference of past relative success as the creativity for future is out of balloon of Relativity.

Great minds think alike..let us forget about the past by breaking the wall of relativity. Common!! Common!! Let us enter in new creative horizon where there is no space for relativity...

Wish you all the best for future ventures

Monday, September 6, 2010

Strange But True


If life started snatching the things from you, nobody has control over it except you. The only difference you can make is, let it do it's at every diversity and gain the confidence to be alive in worst situations. Though we, only we are responsible for all our fate, still the rule is very straight...the true will remain and false has to burn..this creates extreme heat and pain with blisters all over life..difficult to smile still the effort counts..